Psoriasis is a chronic skin problem, which occurs in genetically predisposed individuals. The patient will develop round, red, thick areas on the skin, with white flakes developing on the surface. It commonly affects the scalp, elbows, knees and buttocks, although any body site can be involved.
If treated properly, the disease can be very well controlled and the patient can have a very good quality of life.
Sometimes patients with psoriasis can develop arthritis, with pain and swelling in joints. In such cases treatment is necessary at earliest to prevent joint deformities
Treatment includes creams, Ointments and lotions, phototherapy and in cases of extensive disease oral medications are necessary.
- Will it spread to others? No, psoriasis doesn’t spread to another person by contact, but your family members will be at more risk than others due to genetic reasons.
- What are the food items to avoid? No food avoidance is advised. But you should not be obese or overweight. Smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided.
- Can psoriasis be cured? No currently there is no cure, but there are multiple treatment options with which even extensive disease can be controlled.