Pediatric Skin Diseases

Children even infants and newborns can develop skin diseases

Common skin diseases in childhood are

  • Atopic dermatitis, pityriasis alba
  • Infection of skin – impetigo, scabies, lice infestation, tinea etc- these can be managed with antibiotics, antifungal or other drugs
  • Lichen planus, psoriasis, lichen striatus- these diseases have red or purpule lesions with scales
  • Skin rashes with fever- chickenpox, measles, herpes simplex etc
  • Bullous disorders- epidermolysis bullosa, chronic bullous diseases of childhood

Treatment of these diseases is done properly by skin specialist not by child specialist. Most of these can be easily treated with creams and oral medication. But some diseases can be severe and chronic, so show to a skin specialist as soon you see any skin lesion in a child.

Pityriasis Alba

Pityriasis alba in adolescence children develop white patches over face. This is a type of mild allergy. It usually improves in 1-2 years without any treatment. But if required treatment can be taken.

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is one of the commonest reason for parents to bring child to skin specialist. In this condition, child have generalized dryness alongwith red patches with oozing or scaling with itching. This condition usually develops in 1styear of life.

Lesions improves with medication only to come back again. Usually it goes completely as child grows into adolescent.

Treatment- most important thing for parents is to understand that this disease goes permanently only with age, till than they might have to visit doctor and take treatment again and again for few years. 2nd thing as this condition is related to dryness, moisturizer have to be used as frequently as possible even when there are no lesions. With help of creams and sometimes tablets disease can be controlled and quality of life can be improved.